2 results found for 'Terry Bendall'

  • Pulborough LB&SCR

    Terry Bendall

    Issue 49 (1991)



    On show at Scaleforum, the Mid-Sussex 18.83 Group's layout is a rare portrayal of 'the Brighton' and an even rarer example of a prototype modelled without compression or compromise - which probably explains why it took seven years to build and is over 40ft long! Terry Bendall, on behalf of the Group, explains.

    Tags: layouts, LB&SCR / LBSCR / London Brighton & South Coast Railway

  • Scaleforum 2013

    Terry Bendall

    Issue 225 (2013)



    The highlight for many finescale modellers is the Scalefour Society's annual Scaleforum exhibition. For 2013 it has moved to Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire, and Terry Bendall gives an insight into the attractions and opportunities that this has made possible.

    Tags: exhibitions / events